Sunday, 28 December 2008

Screen Capturing

Just read this from a newspaper column:
Taking screen shots from a Mac is dead easy: three, and sometimes four, taps on the keyboard and you have the image captured forever...[p]ressing cmd-shift-3 takes a snapshot of the screen.
- Page 43 of Livewire, The Age, 23-10-2008
Have they never heard of the print-screen key on a PC keyboard?

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


CCTV cameras which can 'predict' if a crime is about to take place are being introduced on Britain's streets.

The cameras can alert operators to suspicious behaviour, such as loitering and unusually slow walking. Anyone spotted could then have to explain their behaviour to a police officer. 

Source: MailOnline

Firstly I would like to know accurate these cameras are. If it gives out false alarms half the time it will only overwhelm the CCTV operator, who would simply turn off the alarms.

Secondly what are you going to do to the man lurking suspiciously in the alley? Even if he really is about to commit a crime he hasn't yet done so. Sending the police after him does nothing since they can't arrest him for standing around doing nothing constructive. Suspicious activity is not illegal activity.

Finally, and most importantly, this whole concept just will not work and here is why. If you tell would-be criminals cameras are tracking and analysing their every move, they will just do their evil deeds in some other place where the cameras can't see them. Alternatively they will figure out how to carry out their crimes without triggering the alarm. The key point here is people can change their behaviours if the rules are changed. A system that relies on spotting specific behaviours will therefore not work.