Friday, 20 March 2009

Trip to the Airport

Today I am picking up dad from the airport, so I checked Google Map for the route. (I already knew how to get there; just wanted to confirm the little details.) Here is what they showed me:

Highlights of the (proposed) journey

Step 42: 5404 km


Step 103: 6243 km


Step 119: 4436 km


Looks like dad will have to wait at the airport for some time…

PS: Apparently our airport is called Melbourne International Terminal, although putting Australia at the end also does the trick.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

The Well

Walled in on all sides
The only way out is up

I tried to climb the rough walls
But every time I slipped
Or lost my balance
Or my arms got tired
Or my fingers lost their grips from pain

And I gave up

Then I thought about the man
Who saved us all
He endured it all

I must follow his way
Ignore the aching muscles
Ignore the sore arms
Ignore the bleeding fingers

Up I climbed

Friday, 13 March 2009

War and Peace

Today I borrowed War and Peace from the library. I don’t know if I can get through all 1359 pages of it before it’s due in three weeks time, but the one-week trip to Sydney should give me more free time to read.

That’s my way of challenging myself.