Saturday 17 February 2007


Frankly the story behind the new 24 is pretty weak. If I really want to (I don't, but I can't resist it), I can probably find at least one flaw every 3 minutes. But the biggest problem lies in its depiction of the main characters, namely the good guys are all unbelievably stupid while the baddies are incredibly smart. For example, the president in the story makes George W. Bush look like Einstein. Maybe this is the only way to keep the villains from getting caught before the 24 hour is up. One can be sure that the same terrorists in the real world will not last even an hour.

By now, readers should be curious as to why I would want to watch such an unrealistic show. There isn't a very logical reason, but I keep telling myself I am only here to see Jack Bauer do his job and is willing to ignore all the far-fetch and impossible situations waiting for Jack to resolve. Who knows, maybe I am intrigued by what Jack does best: torturing a suspect for information.

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