Wednesday 18 April 2007

US School Shooting, Yet Again...

The whole world today is talking about the Virgina Tech massacre. This news item is grossly overrated, because it is not the first of its kind, nor will it be the last. As long as the Americans hang on to their right to bear arms, these tragedies will continue to happen. I'm not necessarily saying the Second Amendment is wrong or bad, but merely laying out the options: give up free access to guns or endure the consequences. Yesterday's events are the logical outcome of taking the second option. After the Columbine incident almost 8 years ago, the Amish school shooting last year, and everything else in between, is anyone still surprised that yet another shooting spree has taken place? If people really care they should start thinking about the underlying problem and do something about it, instead of just mindlessly learning the facts from news outlets and feeling shocked, confused, angry and sad all at once.

I do not have the evidence (too late, too sleepy), but the NRA is probably the main reason there still aren't any gun control laws in the US. Thanks to them, 33 lives were needlessly lost. Turns out America's greatest threat is right at home. Thank God it is not my home.

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